A Day in the Life of Neraiah Gabriel: Balancing Creativity and Business as a Digital Artist

Ever wonder what a typical day looks like for a digital artist? We sat down with our collaborator, Neraiah Gabriel (Raiah), to find out how she navigates her creative process while managing the business side of her career.

"Rising early is essential," Neraiah shares. "If I don't, the amount of control I have over the day decreases." Starting the day early gives her the space to structure her work without rushing, ensuring her art is of the highest quality.


Setting the Tone for Creativity

Neraiah’s mornings are fueled by comfy clothes and good music. One of her first rituals is gathering inspiration on Pinterest, where she compiles references and ideas before sketching out a rough composition. Music sets the mood while she dives into her creative flow.

Currently, she’s working on a new animal design. "It's still in the sketch phase," she explains, "but the next step is refining the line art."


Overcoming Creative Blocks

Creative blocks are an inevitable part of the process for any artist. For Neraiah, the solution is simple: a change of scenery. "I either physically change my surroundings by going out, or I revisit old art and inspirations," she says. A fresh perspective is often all it takes to reignite her creativity.


Managing the Business Side

While creativity is at the heart of Neraiah’s work, the business side requires just as much attention. She uses Notion to organize her orders, inventory, and creative projects. "It helps me distribute my time between artistry and business," she explains.

Her collaboration with The Orange Juice has also been a valuable part of this journey. "I’m pleased with the services and excited to see what’s next," Neraiah says.


Staying Connected with the Art Community

Supporting other artists and businesses is important to Neraiah. Whether through interacting with posts on her social media feed or giving honest reviews, she stays engaged with her fellow creatives. "Social media is vital for me," she adds. It’s how she shares her work, finds inspiration, and builds connections with her audience.

Neraiah draws much of her inspiration from the vibrant culture of the Caribbean—particularly its colors, nature, and the everyday life around her. "I love the energy and the beauty that comes from my environment," she says.


Ending the Day and Finding Balance

After a productive day, Neraiah winds down with a workout, handles business management tasks, and plans for the next day. Hydration and stretching are essential to keep her physically well while working long hours at her desk.

Her advice to aspiring digital artists is simple but powerful: "There's no point in hiding your skills out of fear of criticism. Criticism molds both your skill and your character."


The Journey Ahead

For Neraiah, being a digital artist is an "exciting challenge" that constantly exposes her to new experiences. "It has become such an important part of my life, and I can't wait to see how I can advance," she says.

Whether you're just starting out in digital art or you're a seasoned pro, Neraiah’s story is a reminder that balancing creativity and business is possible—and incredibly rewarding. And who knows? You might just find yourself inspired by her journey.

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